Monday, December 26, 2005

Lock the users from messing with your dynamic blocks

Here is a tip from one of my classes at AU.

Since we started using AutoCAD 2006 I've added this row to our acad.lsp that loads for all users. (setvar "BLOCKEDITLOCK" 1)

By setting the system variable BLOCKEDITLOCK to 1 you disallows opening of the Block Editor and editing of dynamic block definitions. In a multiuser company it can be useful if you have prepared a lot of dynamic blocks and don't want the users to mess with them.

From the help documentation about BLOCKEDITLOCK: Disallows opening of the Block Editor and editing of dynamic block definitions. When BLOCKEDITLOCK is set to 1, double-clicking a dynamic block in a drawing opens the Reference Edit dialog box. If the block contains attributes, double-clicking the block reference opens the Enhanced Attribute Editor 0 - Specifies that the Block Editor can be opened 1 - Specifies that the Block Editor cannot be opened

1 comment:

  1. Restored comment

    Anonymous said...

    Hi, I'm an Architect with nearly 20 years of experience with AutoCAD and Autodesk products and I think Dynamic Blocks are the greatest thing Autodesk has ever come up with as far as 2D drafting goes. I want to awaken everyone to thier potential! My partner and I have written a program to install this custom collection of Dynamic Blocks AND categorized palettes for Architectural Drafting to your computer's hardrive. It can be delivered to your email address within minutes. They will definately speed up your drafting efforts and truly impress the boss. Our collection showcases the true potential for this new technology. Do a search for dynamic blocks on eBay and come take a look.

    John @ CADjunkies
    March 04, 2007


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